It should come as no surprise that in the last few months, there has been a dramatic shift when it comes to the content people are interested in reading about on LinkedIn. The top two hashtag searches during March have been #coronavirus and #COVID-19, whereas during January and February they were #marketing and #leadership. In response to this, LinkedIn has published its own list of tips about what businesses should be posting about during this unusual time in history.
The biggest topics being discussed and searched for during the past month include:
Remote working
Social distancing
Crisis management
Business continuity
Online learning
Here we look at what LinkedIn is suggesting are the most effective ways to post during lockdown:
Be authentic
Users are looking for content that is from the heart at this time. You don’t always have to post about work-related topics and can gain lot’s of interaction and views on posts about such topics as:
Lessons learned in your personal life
Showing appreciation for your team
Sharing words of encouragement
Spreading kindness
The key is to be genuine and post about things that mean something to you, which will come across authentic and reflects who you actually are.
Share experiences
It really is a good idea to share personal stories that may inspire and help others. You could ask yourself the question “what has really helped me during lockdown”? In your answer, you could think about what your new working day now looks like and how you have made it work best for you, then share this with your readers. Perhaps you have found meetings with your team can now be just as effective using Skype or Zoom, or have found that keeping a particular routine works best for staying efficient? Whatever your answer, others may be inspired by you so make sure you post about it.
Another good way to really engage with your readers is to create a post asking for their insights, such as “How do I work best from home” or “how do I boost team morale”.
Interact more
Search through hashtags to see what your audience is searching for and having conversations about. Look for posts that are interesting to you and interact! Make sure to click the follow button after searching for a hashtag to join in the conversation. Perhaps you want to share your tips on working from home, just search for #workingfromhome and comment on posts with your advice.
Share and comment on trusted news stories
Sharing or commenting on trusted news stories shows that you are staying informed which will likely lead to engagement and conversation with your LinkedIn community. Two trusted and reliable sources are the World Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, both of which are suggested by LinkedIn.